My sister's friend Orla was celebrating her 21st birthday the weekend before Halloween. She wanted something to celebrate her 21st but also to fit in her "Halloween-fancy dress" themed party! We played around with a few ideas and with a few last minute changes here and there, we came up with this.
We had originally decided to have ghost and all sorts surrounding the "21" but I think it may have looked a bit "too much". A few pumpkins and bats here and there with the chosen colours pretty much screams Halloween anyway and it also didn't take from the actual 21.
She was happy therefore I was happy!
This was a fairly tricky cake to ice but it was my first time trying to ice unusual shapes and there proximity didn't make my life any easier. The "2" was a chocolate fudge cake and the "1" was a Victoria sponge. There was soooooo much waste with these cakes, luckily my family are cakey people and there wasn't a scrap left the next day.
We celebrated Halloween by taking Callum Trick or Treating for his very first time. He went as superman and was delighted with himself to be receiving free sweets.
After our trick or treating venture, we headed home, I whipped up a few (eight to be precise...phew!) homemade pizzas and wedges. We stuffed ourselves with food and sweets and it was honestly a great Halloween.
Hope everyone had a fantastic and safe Halloween!
Shirley x